Our spirits will be keeping traditions and history alive by providing a link into the past through a modern context. Creating North Georgia spirits, once a source of independence & rebellion, can now be done with honor. Whereas the crafters of the cash crop once flaunted the rules of the Union, the modern day moonshiner pays the governments share of taxes, knowing those funds will funnel back into the schools & roads, so necessary for commerce and education.
Even though we’re just getting started legally, there are years and years of combined Alabama & Georgia family history that has been brought together to deliver high-quality, high-proof spirits here locally in North Georgia and distributed to the Southeast.
We took over the old Pickens Progress Newspaper press/printing building, warehouse and loading dock in the historic Edge building on North Main Street. We are currently completely renovating that space to take it back to some of it's original beauty.
We've been in the process for over a year now, and we are now a fully licensed distillery federally and could already be manufacturing & selling liquor, but we can't start until building renovations are complete and we're also in the process of getting all new electrical & plumbing, Georgia Power is even bringing in all new service for us to this building to support our needs. We have plans to be open to the public by the first weekend in September (fingers crossed.)